Strong Parallels of Pentecost and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Undoubtedly, these two distinct events—one of biblical history, and one of that future promise still to be fulfilled—are intrinsically connected. Just as that day of Pentecost ushered in the church age, could Pentecost also be that same, set apart feast day, for completing the church age?
This will not be an attempt to prove that point. But rather, to satisfactorily pose the possibility of such a time and event, with the correlation and complement of Bible scripture.

Unforgettable: The Miracle In The Mirror

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you looking at someone who could really use a miracle? Maybe you have been attending church and reading your […]

Being the Church in an Anti-Church Generation

In the meantime, we must remain true to the mandate we’ve been given: to be His Church, even in an anti-church generation of time.
And thankfully, God has provided us with everything we need—to be able to do and to be exactly who we’ve been called to be.

“We”—Who Are Alive and Remain

We—this world-wide, living church of Jesus Christ upon present earth—are here for some very specific reasons. This season of time has been granted and graced upon us, “for such a time as this.” For this time we now live in is like no other time before it.
But we need to ask ourselves a question. Who are we, really? And why are we here?

Every Morning: Renewing the Newness in You

If you are finding yourself discouraged and overwhelmed—and if you are certain that you belong to Jesus Christ—I’m here to tell you that there is a real and realistic way to recharge. Refresh. Renew the newness in you.

God Upon Earth: A People For His Name

God, in His tender mercies, created a direct connection to Himself, through Jesus Christ.

Without God’s saving intervention, it was impossible.
But with God, all things really are possible.
And we were made possible. A people, once lost—now rescued from Sin and gathered together into His body, the Church.

Fully Armored Up: Your Very Best Defense

At this critical time, when so many and so much is at stake, you and I must know our enemies within—as well as without—and effectively guard against them.

The Unexpected: Say “Yes” to Your Road

There is a Bible story we all know. We call it, “The Christmas Story.”
And as I take off the twinkly lights and tinsel, I hope to reveal the raw and real lives underneath. Real lives, with real hearts. People being challenged and changed, feeling lost and out of control. People waiting, people wondering—people with lives never to be the same.

People just like you.

All Things New: Your Ultimate Destiny in Christ

Up. Imagine it. Christ Jesus—The Almighty King of Heaven and Earth—coming for His bride! Commanding her to “Come up here!” The Apostle Paul described the “rapture”—the catching up of the […]

Our Darkest Hour. Our Greatest Opportunity.

It was one of those rare, pivotal moments in time. When nothing really seems to make sense. Imagine yourself as one of those disciples there. Walking along, faithfully following behind […]

True Normal: It’s Out of This World

These days, so many of us just want to “get back to normal.” Right? You remember “normal.”
Not so long ago, your life was moving right along. Your work, your family, your trouble and challenges—it was your life. Your “normal.” And you’ll be happy to return to the familiarity of it.
Except you can’t.

God’s Rescue Plan: Your Perfect Moment

The truth is, everyone has their moments of doubt—especially in the midst of hardship, or during what feels like a delay.
But here is another truth: The devil is not in the details. He has zero control over circumstances, and time.
God is the Lord over all. He is Lord over the details. And He is Lord over every measurement of time. Every moment.
And for God, nothing less than the perfect moment will do.

The Mind of Christ: Your Best Defense Against the Crisis

Fear is always just beneath the surface of this last days world. It seems to be in every breaking news report. It’s big business.
But you are a Christian in this last days world. And you have no business just believing everything you may see or hear.

Following Christ: A Love/Hate Relationship

Today, you must see yourself as one critically needed in what is playing out before you: the culmination of God’s own purposes in Heaven and Earth. Will you be set apart for His purposes? God has great plans for you, if you’ll accept them.

Feeling Lost? God’s Wisdom for Your Walk

Do you feel that your life has taken a wrong direction? When you find that life has taken you on an unexpected, unpleasant path, you can feel overwhelmed with disappointment […]

Overcoming in Christ: Rules to Win Your Race

In the Bible, our path of faith as Christians is likened to a spiritual “race.”  And if you have believed in Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you are in it. You, my friend, are in the race of a lifetime. And the way you run carries more significance and influence than any Olympic game.
God’s expectation for you isn’t that you simply show up and participate. You must run to win.

The Kingdom: Know Where You Stand

Do you ever feel like you’re living in an alternate universe? I know that I sure do. We are currently living here, in this world. But it can feel like […]

The Father’s Business: Inquire Within

If the “harvest” (of souls) is truly “plenteous” (great, ripe, or full) then why aren’t a lot more workers heading into the fields? After all, there’s plenty of work for everyone.

Could a lot of Christians today just rather stay unemployed? Are most of us uncaring, or unwilling to labor?

The Flood: God’s Pattern of Purpose For You

Is God really in control? The world feels like it is poised for self destruction—precariously far past the “point of no return.” How easy it is—even for Christians—to become discouraged […]

Giving Up? God Hasn’t. You’re So Worth Saving.

You may be way past discouraged, and on the verge of giving up—on yourself, or on life. By now, you could even be numb to the pain, like someone slowly freezing to death out in the cold. No longer feeling—no longer caring about the dire conditions you are facing.
If this is speaking to you, then you are at a pivotal place.

Lift Up Your Eyes—God’s Purpose Surrounds You

How should we view the last days, which are now undoubtedly here? Is there any clear direction for those of us who hope to make a real difference in this world? Are we too few? Are we too late? Are we too limited? And most importantly, where is God in all this?

“Lord, Send Me.” Your Life Within the Labyrinth

“Who am I?”

Every person should stop and ask themselves this question. Because it must be answered.

Few of us fully understand who we really are—or even why we are experiencing this life on planet earth. This crucial information—and how we choose to respond to it—means the difference between obtaining our freedom, or remaining a prisoner.

Your One True Purpose: To Be His

It is the certain sound of the trumpet blast, reverberating across earth and sky. And before anyone can grasp the weight of it, or gasp in uncertain surprise, we will be changed. Everything will be changed—life, limb, and the destiny of all things.

In a moment. In the twinkling of an eye.

Last Days Deceptions: A Warning

Am I the only one who feels like we’re all on a sinking ship? I’m often reminded of that tragedy of the ocean liner, Titanic, out on it’s maiden voyage […]

In His Image: The Story of You

There is a story of us—all of humanity. The story of every man, woman and child ever invited to walk these shores of earth. This story—our story—begins somewhere beyond our […]

Christ’s Resurrection: His Power is Your Position

We rightfully attribute the power to God. But we tend to forget that this very same power is not only accessible to us, but is actually within us. Yes. The resurrection power—the very same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead—lives in me, and it lives in you. Let’s take a look at the resurrection power within you, and how it affects who you are.

Authentic Confidence: Christ Instead of You

Do you wish that you had more self-confidence? For many of us, self-confidence doesn’t come naturally. It seems to be this asset that other people just seem to have, and […]

God’s Battle Plan for Last Days Christians

Is this really what God had planned for His last days church? So many unfulfilled, struggling Christians. Our numbers are soaring. We’re plagued with inner conflicts—confusion, or ambivalence—all mixed in […]

The Fear Factor: A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Are you afraid? It’s not a subject that most of us are eager to talk about. But please stay with me. This is so important. We tend to avoid examining […]

The Only Wall You’ll Ever Need

You need to put up a wall in your life. A tall, strong and reinforced wall. There are many references to walls in Christianity—and it’s usually about a wall that […]

How to Survive and Stay Alive: Stay Awake

Over 40 years ago, I made a near-fatal mistake. Sometimes an event takes place in life that is so extraordinary, it becomes a pivotal moment in time—where time seems to […]

Faith Through Desperation: God’s Radical Road

Are you feeling a desperation—a hopelessness—that nothing will ever change? Do you feel like you’ve lost something—some part of yourself?  Maybe the good part—the best part—from where you first began? […]

Escape the Cage: Your Way to Freedom

It can be beautiful, and exciting. It provides a life for each one of us. It protects us. It seems like we are free. But we are trapped within our humanity. It holds us against our wills.

Finding Your Place in This World: The “Rest” of the Story – Part 3

If we are to have any possibility of reaching our promised land of rest, we need to think about where we are, who we are, and why. Without taking the time and effort to really ponder over these questions, we have little chance of withdrawing ourselves from the data trap that confronts us.

Finding Your Place in This World: The “Rest” of the Story – Part 2

The world’s ever-changing point of view requires people to come up with all sorts of interesting (and scientific-sounding) explanations for the life we all currently experience. But no one agrees why billions of us live on this tiny blue speck, which is flying around out in the middle of nowhere, within the endless cosmos. Let that sink in for a minute.

God Wants to Use You: A Chosen Vessel

Are you critical of yourself? Do you seriously doubt that God can use you—even if He wanted to? I have news for you today: You are a chosen vessel. If you are born again by receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior, then you are one of God’s chosen vessels. Yes, you. Let’s look at some characteristics that you possess, as a chosen vessel.

Crucified With Christ: Your Source of Strength

The concept of being crucified with Christ is a life–and–death issue. You may be thinking that this is an overstatement, and I don’t blame you. Granted, the subject isn’t very […]